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The header section of NormalizationTest.txt provides additional information regarding the normalization invariant relations that any conformant implementation should be able to replicate.

Enumeration properties have enumerated values which constitute a logical partition space; new values will generally not be added to them in successive versions of the standard.

easy to misinterpret as designating the decomposition of a character, also known as the character's full decomposition. Teich Definitions D62 and D64

txt, along with a brief description of each category. The listing for fixed position classes, with long symbolic aliases of the form "Ccc10", and so forth, is abbreviated, as when those labels occur they are predictable hinein form, based on the numeric values.

may have an external dependency on another specification which is not a part of the Unicode Standard,

The Unihan property kCompatibilityVariant consists of a listing of the canonical Decomposition_Mapping property values just for CJK compatibility ideographs.

The normative Zustand of these test files reflects their use to determine the correctness of implementations claiming conformance to the respective algorithms listed hinein the table. There is no requirement that any particular Unicode implementation also implement the Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm, for example, but if it implements that algorithm correctly, it should Beryllium able to replicate the test case results specified rein the data entries rein LineBreakTest.txt.

The UCD proper is located in the ucd subdirectory of the numbered version directory. That directory contains all of the documentation files and most of the data files for the read more UCD, including some data files for derived properties.

txt do not provide all the values for the Name property for all code points; Jamo.txt must also Beryllium used, and the Name property for CJK unified ideographs, Tangut ideographs, Khitan Small Script ideographs, and Nushu ideographs is derived by rule.

Format control characters which have specific functions for control of cursive joining and ligation.

Just as a monoid consists of an underlying Garnitur with a binary Arbeitsgang "on top of it" which is closed, associative and with an identity, a category consists of an underlying digraph with an arrow composition operation "on top of it" which is transitively closed, associative, and with an identity at each object.

There is an associated documentation datei, LineBreakTest.html, which displays the results of the Line Breaking Algorithm hinein an interactive chart form, with a documented listing of the rules.

The data hinein BidiCharacterTest.txt is provided to test various edge cases for the algorithm. It contains an extra field which allows for explicit control of the overall directional context for each test case.

The value of the Decomposition_Mapping property for a character is provided rein field 5 of UnicodeData.txt. This is a string-valued property, consisting of a sequence of one or more Unicode code points. The default value of the Decomposition_Mapping property is the code point of the character itself.

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